Ross Family {Twins turn one!}
When mom Lori booked her family/her daughters' first birthday session, it was just her and I that met to chat about it. We enjoyed...
The Ruperts {Family Session}
I first got to meet and work with this wonderful familly when their youngest was a newborn back in 2012! Now their boys are THREE and...
Some of the Products Available at TMP!
Why choose a session with Theresa Miller Photography (TMP) instead of a chain-portrait studio or a photographer who only gives digitals?...
Devlin {Mommy and Me Session}
Lisa and Maddie are ultra close. They truly seem to share the Mother-Daughter bond perfectly! I've known Lisa quite a while and it was...
Meet Your Miracle 3D/4D Ultrasound Heartbeat Jewelry {Product Photography}
I got to work with and hang out with Nicole and Jason from Meet Your Miracle 3d/4d Ultrasound a few weeks ago and shoot some product...